Thursday, August 4, 2011

Z is for Zucchini

The avalanche has begun! Last week’s CSA box held a single zucchini. (Is one a zucchino?) This week there were three, which means next week there’ll be five or nine (depending on which algorithm Mother Nature is using), and the week after that, nine or 27 summer squash.  

Okay, I get extra points for using “algorithm” in a cooking blog.

In any case, it’s clear that if I don’t use my zucchini as quickly as they come in, I’m soon going to feel like Lucy Ricardo in the chocolate factory. 

But that’s okay. I happen to love zucchini. They’re great roasted in the oven or grilled on the barbecue, perfect on top of make-your-own pizza, and, of course, yummy baked into muffins and breads.

But the favorite zucchini recipe of all, in our house, is this easy, delicious side dish. It’s healthful (and gluten free. And vegan)… even better the day after you make it, and highly versatile. Here’s what you do:

In a large skillet over medium heat, sautee 2 medium onions, diced, in some good olive oil. (Use enough so that the squash doesn’t stick, but don’t drown it.) Cook until the onions start to caramelize.

Add 3 zucchini, diced, and about ½ a teaspoon of salt. Cook until the zucchini is cooked through and starts to brown at the edges, but don’t let it get too dark.

Taste and add more salt if needed, and toss in a handful (or two) of chopped, fresh dill, and a handful of toasted, chopped walnuts or pine nuts.

Serve warm or at room temperature.

This is delicious as a side dish, but if you pulse it a bit in the food processor, it’s also a great spread for toast or crackers – or use it to top slices of roast or grilled polenta. You can leave out the nuts and fold it into an omelet (with some soft goat cheese, if you like that and are NOT a vegan) or put it over pasta -- goat cheese, parmesan or feta optional.

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